Donations to the Shops

You can also visit our Donations page for more information on donations.

  • Yes! We gratefully accept parts and adult (and youth bikes with 24” or larger wheels) that are in good or repairable condition. Very damaged bikes with salvageable parts may also be accepted.

    If you have a bike to donate, please send a photo or description (make, model and approximate age) to [email protected], or by text to 780-433-2453. Our space is limited and donations brought without prior arrangement may not be accepted if we cannot use them.

  • For bike donations, please send a photo or description (make, model, and condition) to [email protected], or by text to 780-433-2453. Our space is limited and donations brought without prior arrangement may not be accepted if we cannot use them.

    Approved donations can be dropped off at the downtown shop (10612-105 Avenue) during public hours. Arrangements can also be made to drop off at our south shop (8001-102 Street).

  • We generally don’t have the capacity to pick up donations. Exceptions may be made for larger or institutional donations. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Donated bikes are repaired and sold at fair prices. Bikes that cannot be repaired safely or economically provide parts to build up other bikes, or are sold to customers at affordable prices. Bikes and parts than cannot be reused are recycled.

    Donations help us to cover our costs and provide accessible transportation to Edmontonians.

  • Many other items that are needed to run our shops. These include clean rags, cleaning supplies, various tools, snacks, and office equipment to name just a few. Please email [email protected] if you have something you think we could use.

  • We cannot provide tax receipts for donated items. Only registered charities are able to provide these and Bike Edmonton is a registered non-profit society.